Intelligence behind the Universe

The Unification of Physics and Spirituality

This is a popularisation that has a unique feature. It homes onto a theory showing that consciousness survives death as a result of finding solutions to two major problems in physics
- and no other solutions are available!

It begins with a history of the way survival of death was proved scientifically starting with the research of Sir William Crookes FRS. The author’s personal research follows giving further support. Then a short history of the evolution of physics from the Ancient Greeks to the present is provided to introduce the science up to the weirdness of quantum explanations of the atom.

Then follow the new breakthroughs. These yield the ‘big breed theory’ that shows survival is a branch of physics. It results from providing solutions to some major problems in physics including a difficulty with the big bang theory of creation that up to now has invalidated it completely.

Explanations from this physics for the entire spectrum of the so-called ‘paranormal’ are provided, showing them to be potentially real effects. This includes explanations of healing, prediction and other phenomena.

Engineers will find special appeal in this book since they will see how the invention of the ‘Gas Wave Turbine’ led to these advances. Engineers will also see how their own expertise can be applied to the enhancement of physics.

Psychics   will be provided with answers to obscurants posing as sceptics who try to discredit what they know to be true.

Science students will find innovative new material here that solves vexed questions many ask – answers are given that will not be found anywhere else! It gives new leads for future experiments and research that could help save the planet



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